Aviation Photography and Planespotting Resources
Browse through hundreds of my favorite photos pulled from nearly two decades of photographing commercial airliners, general aviation, military aircraft, and air show performers. Need aviation-related images for your business or air show? We can cover that too!

Can you identify this aircraft?
Can you identify this aircraft?

I created the original version of my planespotting guide 17 years ago and have gotten a lot of feedback from enthusiasts around the world. This new version has an updated look and is filled with great information and resources to help you learn how to identify the different types of commercial aircraft at your local airport.

Location, Location, Location
Location, Location, Location

Most airports in the U.S. today don’t have free access indoor observation decks, but many have outdoor areas set aside for planespotters. Here you’ll find details on some of the best areas for watching and photographing at airports I’ve visited complete with maps, directions, and examples of photos. Can’t make it out to the airport? I’ve got links to sites where you can listen to air traffic control and track flights live on the web.
Aircraft Spotlight
Aircraft Spotlight

In this section we’ll post articles shining a light on different aircraft types chosen at random from my extensive collection of photos, as well as other great new content for the aviation enthusiast. Stay connected through social media and check back to see what we’ve got next!